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Building a Portable Chicken Coop

I almost didn’t have a post today because I really couldn’t think of what to write about. Today, I was over at my parents & Dad was outside working on a portable chicken coop for his new chicks. Suddenly it dawned on me that, that would make a great post! It’s not quite finished, but you’ll get the idea. Plus, there’s some baby chick photos & video!

Baby Chicks

Dad’s been helping a friend of his build chicken coops for his new chickens. He’s been sending me pictures…

I love chickens y’all! The best thing about having chickens is fresh eggs…

I keep getting pictures like this & of baby cows just born. It’s really neat! Guess Dad got bit by the chicken bug because soon I got this picture…

Dad bought 5 little chicks from the local Tractor Supply! He plans on taking them to live with the other chickens when they get big enough. Currently, they are outgrowing their little enclosure…

They are starting to flap their wings and run around doing little chicken dances!

That one in the front staring straight at the camera is Fredrica! Well, if it turns out to be a lady chick!

A Portable Chicken Coop

Dad decided to make a portable chicken coop for the chicks so he could let them out for fresh air occasionally. He’s just using some 2 x 2 boards to frame it up. To get a flush fit at the corners, he used his Dremel saw to cut notches in the ends of the boards.

Then the corners lock together. Dad says this makes it easier to square up & makes a stronger connection.

Here’s a side frame ready…

I came out just in time to help Dad hold things together so he could tack it with the staple gun.

To help reinforce the corners, he cut small pieces with 45 degree angles at both ends.

They were added at the top corners…

And bottom corners….

Plus at the centers. This will help things stay together when he moves it around.

He added two pieces to one end for a door frame. The door is made up & ready to go.

The only thing he needs now is chicken wire! Then he can cover everything and attach the door. He did say he might put wheels on one end so he can move it by himself. Once it’s done the chickens will be able to roam around inside & peck in the grass for bugs. I think they will approve!


It was fun to help Dad out with a DIY project. I haven’t done anything like that in quite awhile! : )




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