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Change Equals Growth

Today I’m straying a bit from the normal maker shenanigans. I used to do a “life lived” post every now and again and I’d like to get back to that from time to time. This year has been a big year for change & I want to remember that change equals growth. I’ve been feeling this post brewing for a little bit now, so here it goes.

Life Changes…

For those that have followed me for awhile, either here on the blog or over on the YT {YouTube}, you know that I took off about half of September. While I won’t go into detail about why that was {suspenseful much?}, I would like to say I’m okay. I don’t have any health issues and no – I’m not pregnant. Just wanted to clear that up!

I’m experiencing a major life change that was unexpected and not what I wanted. That’s usually how those life changes work – they don’t really care about your plans! Even though it’s not what I wanted, it’s what I got. I’ve been dealing with that this past month & really taking a look at what my life looks like from this point forward.

In doing so, I’ve started reconnecting with myself, learning to let go, & remembering change equals growth. I’ve been through some major changes in my life before, as I’m sure most of my readers have. It never feels good at first and it can make you throw a temper tantrum like a two year old. Once that’s all out, as it needs to be, you realize the opportunity in the change.

That’s not always easy to see.

When I say “opportunity”, I’m talking about the opportunity to grow. You can easily settle into the anger, the sadness, the resentment, etc. about the change. Or, you can look at what brought you there, release all the anger, sadness, resentment, and grow from the experience.

Yeah, I know I sound like some sort of life guru, but it’s true! It may be because I’ve been reading self help stuff or it could just be because I’m a guru – I’ll let y’all decide!

All I’m trying to say is change equals growth, but only if you embrace the change. Trying to go backwards and rewrite the past is a sure path to misery in my opinion. Going forward and growing through change is part of life and will make you a happier person.

If you really want to know what’s going on, I don’t mind a message or email. I just don’t want the whole world knowing my business, if you know what I mean. : )

That’s all I really needed to say and it was really much simpler than I thought it would be! I hope y’all enjoyed this little “life lived” post. Let me know what you think in the comments. I’d love to hear your thoughts on change!

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