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DIY Beauty Station from Repurposed Objects

This project started from a need to organize my beauty products & streamline my “getting ready” routine.  I searched around my house for things I could use to make a DIY beauty station that would be easy to access & hold all the essentials.  It didn’t take long to find everything I needed to make this happen.  Everything came together quite easily as well & made my “getting ready” routine go much smoother!

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The Dilemma 

I’m going to go ahead and apologize for the image quality of these photos!  This bathroom is in the middle of my house & has no windows to the outside, so no natural light.

This is a glimpse of where my hair supplies were before making my DIY beauty station.  Everything is just dumped in a basket & that basket liner has seen better days!  It’s sitting on top of a train case that I keep my makeup in.  For some reason I have a lot of makeup!  I only wear it if I’m leaving the house & wear very little then – I think I just like all the colors!  ; )

I moved my hair stuff into the guest bathroom a while back because it’s the only bathroom with a “working” plug for my flat iron.  It’s also a little bright since I painted the “lovely” wood paneling a cream color a while back.  Eventually my makeup followed & things stacked up, literally!

Moving around stuff to get to stuff always makes things take longer.  It didn’t bug me as much during the summer because I was home most of the time.  Since school has started back, I use these things almost every day.  I knew I needed a better solution!

The first thing I did was clean out my beauty supplies & divide it by things I use daily, weekly, or extras.  Extra supplies & weekly supplies got stored in other areas.  That left my daily, or somewhat daily supplies.  Once I knew what I needed the beauty station to hold, it was easier to decide what to use.

I picked up this wood & wire basket on clearance at Michael’s.  It’s been passed around from room to room for different things & was currently {mostly} empty.  I added a side panel from one of the produce boxes I re-purposed & a piece of wood from an old barn I bought for $1 at a yard sale.

Voila!  DIY Beauty Station!

A few jars, baskets, & cup hooks got added to the mix & voila!  My DIY beauty station was ready for action!

The wood & wire basket made a perfect shelf when turned the right way.  I pre-drilled holes in the back & screwed it right to the wall.  This wall has fat light wood strips all across it under that “lovely” paneling, so I didn’t have to find a stud first.

I used the produce box panel to make a small shelf for some light weight items.  The wooden bowl & jars were just being used as decorations, so now they have a purpose {other than to be pretty}!

The wire on the panel made it easy to weave into the wire panel on the side of the basket.

I had to add some wire on the other side to reach the top of the basket.

While I didn’t paint the produce box panel, I did go over it with some sand paper to get the rough edges off.  I also did a gray wash over my favorite stencil in the back of the basket.

I added some cup hooks & an old door knob to the barn wood, so I could hang my flat irons, curling iron, hair dryer, & mirror.

This did require some pre-drilling & measuring.  Lucky for me, there was already one hole in the piece of wood & I marked one on the opposite end for wall attachment screws.

I think I maybe paid $5 for this knob & plate at the thrift store.  It came with the other side attached with a rod & once I removed it, I had to reattach the knob to the plate with some e6000 glue.  Seems to be holding up well so far!

The only thing I’m not loving about this is the white plastic basket for my makeup.  It’s functional, but not very appealing.  I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for the perfect replacement & if all else fails, I’ll just paint it!

On another note…..  

Have any of y’all tried this ginger cola from Pepsi?  I’m not a huge soda drinker & not usually a fan of Pepsi, but this is delicious!  My son brings me one from time to time when I pick him up from work.  It’s also made with fair trade sugar, which makes me feel a little better about drinking it!  And no, I’m not a spokes person for Pepsi!  ; )

Happy hump day y’all!

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