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February Favorites 2020 ~ Peaceful Moments

It’s been a while since I did a favorites post! I think the last one was April 2019. These are posts to share what I’m loving at the moment! Not necessarily material things, just things that are making me happy. It’s a way to remind myself of the little things that make my day. Peaceful moments is on the top of my list this month!

Peaceful Moments

Y’all, life has been a little crazy here lately! There’s so much going on and so many changes happening that I have to really enjoy those peaceful moments. Some of my favorites are:

  • Staring at the sky while walking the dog. Especially if it’s a sunny day since there haven’t been many this past month!
  • The quiet after my students leave for the day. If you’re a teacher, you know what I mean!
  • Giving my dogs belly rubs. That really speaks for itself. : )

Those are just some that I can think of off the top of my head. Little moments when things are quiet & I’m just in the moment. They don’t last long, but they are much needed. : )

Freezer Meals

My grandmother-in-law sends us food all the time, which is much appreciated! She sent us a box full of meals for the freezer last month…

It’s so nice to lay one out in the morning & then pop it in the oven for supper later. I haven’t been cooking many suppers lately because I really just don’t have the time or energy to put into it. There have been many nights that cereal was it! I’ll have to look into putting some things up once our supply gets low. Right now, I’m so thankful for a full freezer!

Books on Tape

Okay, maybe they’re not called “books on tape” any more, but I enjoy them whatever you may call them. I’ve been listening to books during my long commute & while I’m doing long sewing sessions. It makes me feel like I’m accomplishing two things at once!

Currently, I’m using Kindle Unlimited for my books. You can not only “check out” books from their virtual library, many of them offer a free audible version as well. I’m currently hooked on the books by Mary Burton..

I love a good crime solving book!

The first month is free & it’s $9.99 per month after that. I like it better than Audible because it’s not just for audible books. You can check out regular books as well as some magazines! : )


This month I hit a big milestone on YouTube – 1,000 subscribers! I announced earlier that I was aiming to hit that number by Valentine’s Day & y’all made it happen! I was hoping to share the little video/gif they sent me, but I could only share it to Facebook. Either way – it’s super exciting!

In my Etsy shop, I just hit 450 sales, which is also amazing! I opened it back in November 2018 just to see how it went. Well, I can just barely keep up with it! I do appreciate all the customers & love making the bags. I started a mini maker bag club this year & that is keeping me on my toes. It was way more popular than I thought it would be! Thanks y’all! : D

I’m so happy I decided to do this again! It’s something I need to do every month, so I can remember the good & keep it with me for the next month. So, what are some of your favorites for February? I’d really love to hear all about them in the comments! : D

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