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Garden Update ~ June 2018: Hot Summer Nights

It’s time for a garden update! It’s getting that time of year that I don’t want to be outside if I can help it because it’s too stinkin’ hot! Most things are still growing despite the heat. I’ve got lots of pretty pictures to show you & a little video of a hot, southern summer night, so let’s dig in. : )

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Front Yard Gardening

I spotted this little guy in the Lantana by my driveway. He paid me no attention because he was too busy inspecting every little flower!

Last year, my pomegranate bush made blooms for the first time, but no pomegranates. This year, I had one bloom, which fell off. Then two more popped up. One got fatter & fatter & I was hoping & hoping…

Alas, I went out one day & it had fallen off. Sigh. Maybe one day I’ll actually get a pomegranate from this bush!

My rose of Sharon bush is full of bright pink flowers…

Everything in the planter on my porch has shriveled up. I kept forgetting to water it! It rained so much for 3 weeks, I didn’t have to water anything else. Oops! I did spot my porch lizard in the middle of a shedding…

The little strawberry bush in my front side garden has flowered again & made two more little strawberries to nibble.

The cherry tomato plant on the corner also has some nibbles ready…

And finally, the first day lily bloom…

I just love the orange with the red!

Side Garden

I really need to stake this pepper plant! The pepper on the lower part in the first two pictures has been picked & eaten. Now there’s one on the much taller upper branch. It also looks a little thirsty in the last pic, but it poured down rain right after I took this. : )

The tomato plants in the side garden have almost outgrown the pallet behind them. There are some tomatoes hiding in there too!

Betsy & Bertha are flowering like crazy after last months trimming. I have noticed that Betsy is a little darker pink now & Bertha has looser petals.

The eggplants under the roses are doing well, unlike the ones on the front porch. The largest one has flowered and made an eggplant that’s almost ready to eat.

The lemon grass I planted is up to my hip now! You’ll be able to see some of it in the lily pictures below.

Back Gardens

If I don’t get this lily divided this fall, it’s going to take over everything next year! It’s so ginormous & each stalk makes 10+ flowers.

You can just see the lemon grass peeking out above the lily in the bottom left picture. I noticed this grasshopper one day that’s almost the same colors as the lily. Camouflage y’all!

I’m loving the snapdragons I planted this year. They will flower on until winter & I hope they come back next year.

The tomatoes in my back garden beds have out grown their cages & I need to add a taller stake. The tomatoes on the left are a yellow variety which is milder than the red ones.  That tomato on the right is looking rather interesting!

The banana pepper in the last little bed has doubled in size & has some little peppers growing.

That pepper will be ready to eat soon! : D



Picking Produce

All the rain has made plenty of juicy blueberries & blackberries to pick. I’ve been picking some almost everyday. I flash freeze these & pop them in a freezer bag. Then I can grab a handful to add to smoothies.

Today I picked the yellow tomato y’all saw in the picture above, a small bell pepper, & one tiny strawberry. I was going to pick more blackberries, but it started storming!

I don’t have any pics of Dad’s garden this time. I keep forgetting to take pictures every time I go over for a visit! All the rain caused an infestation of black worms on his tomatoes that almost killed them. This is a picture he texted me of a recent garden harvest…

They got enough cucumbers for a batch of pickles, but the corn just didn’t make.

I spotted this odd track in my driveway while walking the dog. It looks like something was walking on one foot & dragging the other. I have no idea what kind of track it is, so if any of y’all know, please share!

And lastly I’ll leave ya’ll with a short clip of what a hot southern summer night sounds like. Be sure to turn up the volume!




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