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Memorial Day Weekend

6466Well, my Dad’s flying his “flag of freedom”, the grill is fired up, and the kids are out of school.  Must be Memorial Day weekend!

Is everybody ready for a whole 3 day weekend?!?  A whole 3 days to hit the beach, grill out, or finish/start new projects!  What am I doing this weekend, you ask?  First on the list is a big shindig at my parents.  Lots of food, family, and fun!  I plan on stuffing my belly with some of my Dad’s “infamous” ribs and laughing out loud with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and family friends.  In case you don’t know, I LOVE family gatherings!  My family is loud and full of Sass-A-Fras, so it’s always a good time.

After that, I plan on tackling a MAJOR eyesore in my yard.  My supposed garden.  I’m almost ashamed to post this, but maybe it will make ya’ll feel better about any chaos going on in your yard.  Here it goes, posting with one eye open….

As you can see, I didn’t get real close to it, but it’s pretty bad.  It is, however, controlled chaos, in my opinion, see the fence around it? 😀  I let it go for about a year while I pursued other projects.

I promise it used to look way better than this and actually grow real food!  But wait!  There is hope among the fenced in chaos.  Blueberries!


Just in time for a red, white, and BLUE weekend!




Hope ya’ll have a wonderful weekend and remember what Memorial Day is for!  Many men and women have sacrificed more than most so we can enjoy and celebrate with our families and friends.  I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

I’ll see ya’ll after the long weekend and we’ll see how much progress I actually make! 🙂


What are ya’ll doing this weekend to celebrate?


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