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Organizing DIY Projects

We are heading into one of my most favorite times of the year – fall! This is one of the best times to go thrifting to me because the temperature becomes more bearable. There are yardsales and craft shows galore & I love meeting thrifty & crafty people. I decided to take stock of my current DIY stash to get an idea of things to look for while perusing all the thrifty goodness. Organizing DIY projects is not always easy for me because some are big & some are small. I have a few things that are working, but there’s definitely room for improvement! ; )



Organizing DIY Projects

First we’ll look at two shelves that rest above my sewing area. This first shelf is right above my fabric shelf with just enough room under it to hold more fabric goodies. I broke apart a wooden shelving system so I could use each shelf with brackets in different areas of the room.

This shelf is mostly for short boards & old shelving parts. There are a few other things tucked up there at the moment like old books, my dying pan, & some cardboard signs. You may also notice that the wooden spindle ornaments I made last month are tucked away up there too. Sometimes you just need a nook to rest something in momentarily & that was the perfect nook! : D

This is the second shelf which is above my sewing table & the brackets hold my rack of clothing in progress. I have things divided into categories, even if it doesn’t look that way! Here’s a little breakdown, starting from the left:

  • Broken cup & glass odds & ends
  • Plastics {the swirly things} & a jar of milk caps
  • A jar of old silverware just beside a box full of broken pottery/dishes
  • A stack of old pans & dishes
  • A box of shells under a red tool box of small wooden things
  • And a big pile of egg cartons!

Why do I have so many egg cartons? Well, I’m saving them to make an egg carton rooster I saw on Pinterest! Haha!

There’s a little area just beside my craft room that’s supposed to be like an entry way for the front door. Well, we don’t use the front door, so I use it to store mostly picture frames & flat things. There are some things that need to go to GoodWill & maybe they take up way more room, but we’re not going to talk about that, mmmkay?

Also, you may notice there are no base boards on the wall in this picture. Well, I got a wild hair one day & decided to take them all off because I was gonna rip off that extra special faux wood paneling. And that’s the end of that story – for now! ; P

Spare Room = Spare Stuff

Since my son has moved out, I have begun to fill his room with extra things that do not fit in my craft room or that weird entry space. It’s kind of become a catch all of sorts even though I tried to rearrange it to be an office/guest space. Part of that is due to the fact that I’m still debating on swapping out rooms with my craft space. I’m kind of in a craft room limbo at the moment!

Sorry these pictures look so dark-ish. The lighting is terrible in here & the blackout curtains my son wanted are still hanging over the windows. This corner is just a mess! The empty dresser is holding office overflow, there’s the old printer still in the corner, & boxes with Styrofoam and such.

I picked up this peely office chair for $15 at a yard sale & my son wore it out! The chair is parked in front of the desk I picked up for just $10 at the same event.

At least it looks a little organized even if it still needs a face-lift!

Get it Together

By the way there are also finished projects in this room that I’ve yet to find a home for. My pickle jar lamp with the selvage edge shade is sitting forlornly atop a thrifted table while my paint shelf drawer is awaiting the day it will be hung on the craft room wall. Sigh.

Well, that got real messy, real quick! I do have a plan for tackling all these DIY’s even if it seems they are never ending. I started a “master project notebook” that houses all projects to be done, even sewing projects. Crochet will be added soon too! I numbered the pages and made an index in the front kind of like you do in a bullet journal.

For today’s post, I’m only going over the DIY section, but it’s fairly the same for the other sections.

This notebook allows me to jot ideas down as I think of them & keep a running inventory of my supplies. I can even note the price I paid for thrifted items.

I’m choosing to use a highlighter to “check” something off my list so I can still see what I wrote & it will be more noticeable to me than a check mark. When a project is finished, I will put it on a project page in my project scrapbook. Yeah, that sounds good even though it hasn’t actually happened yet! Goals y’all!

Anyway, I hope y’all enjoyed seeing all my junk – have a wonderful Wednesday! : D


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