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Procraftination Problems


In case you’re thinking I made a typo in the title, I didn’t! Procraftination is a term invented by crafters that basically means you’re working on crafts when you should probably be doing other things. As a maker, I am a proud procraftinator! Here lately, it seems that those “other things” are interrupting my procraftinating time which is why I have a problem. I need more procraftination time!

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The Art of Procraftination

This is something that well seasoned crafters have perfected! What it really comes down to is weighing your options. Can those dishes wait one more hour {or day, no judging here!}? Will making a dent in the laundry mountain be more fun than making that new thing I saw on Pinterest? Most of the time, I’m okay with throwing a load into the washer or dryer because I can just get back to the making. It’s the folding & hanging that gets behind in my house.

Basically, if you have a passion for crafting, procraftination will win! Don’t worry all you newbie crafters, you’ll get the hang of it eventually. : D

Procraftination Problems

Now, back to the original purpose of this post! The balance of my crafting to “other stuff” ratio has tilted & I need to correct it. Y’all may look at my posts & think that I have plenty of crafting time, but it doesn’t feel that way to me. Let me explain!

There are so many things I want to make that I could spend the whole day doing just that & I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But – I have a part time teaching job that has me traveling between two cities, I maintain & edit all the things for this blog, now I’ve started a YouTube channel, I also take on commission orders, I really want to start a Craftsy site and/or an Etsy shop, & then I still have all the everyday stuff that most people have to do. Whew, now I’m just tired talking about it!

After saying all that, I also have a bad habit of sitting in front of the computer & getting lost in videos, social media, & virtual window shopping. This leads me down a rabbit hole of adding more things I want to do to my list. Then I have to rush to get all the other stuff done. I really have no one to blame but myself for my procrastinated procraftination! ; D

All that being said, I need a plan of action! A plan to incorporate all the “have to do’s” in with the “want to do’s” so I can enjoy more procraftination time. Sort of a planned procraftination! Now, that might be in direct contrast to the very definition, but at least I will be getting in more crafting time {hopefully}.

Okay y’all, I think I know what I have to do now & I’m sorry if this rambled on & made no sense whatsoever, but I needed to get it out of my brain! I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend & don’t forget to procraftinate! : D

P.S. Look out for my “Saturday Stuff” video, well, on Saturday & my monthly roundup podcast on Monday. This is all over on my YouTube channel.

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