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Spring has Sprung ~ Gardening Plans

Tuesday was the official first day of spring, but things have been blooming here in South GA since last month. There is pollen everywhere, which is not always a great thing for my sinuses! It has started giving me the itch to dig in the dirt & plant some things. It’s a little early, even here, to plant most things outside yet, but it’s not stopping me from cleaning things up & getting ready!

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What’s Blooming?

Let’s see, January was the coldest it’s been here in a long time. Then February temps jumped up into the 80s! This made things start budding & blooming & spittin’ out pollen. Towards the end of February, the temperature started dropping again & we’ve had two more frosts this month. That caused some damage to the blooming buds, as you can see on some of my first rose buds.

I missed trimming my roses in the winter, so yesterday I got out there & at least cut out all the dead wood. Prickly!

The year before last, this azalea bush lost all it’s leaves & was nothing but sticks. That was from the drought we had that summer. I trimmed it all back & this year it’s full & blooming!

I spotted a little pollen spreader visiting too…

There are two blueberry bushes that have survived the neglected chaos that was my garden at one time. They have blooms all over!

I spotted a daffodil blooming in the madness too…

This little set of strawberries comes back every year & has pink blooms. I usually get a few strawberries from it too. You can see the lilies have pushed up all around it!

I planted two thyme plants here last year. One is thriving, but the one on the left {look for the tag} is almost completely gone. They are only about a foot apart, so that’s a little weird!

My rosemary bush is out of control! It reaches my chest and I’m 5′-8″! Anyone need some rosemary???

The dianthus I planted last year has come back & is in full bloom. Even the one in the pot tower came back! The dirt in front of the pink one is a giant ant bed I had to knock down. I ran the ants off with some spray made with essential oils.

The lily on the bottom right is big already & will only expand. I really need to divide it out again! Who needs a lily??

Veggie Garden Plans

So, I’ve decided to dismantle my large vegetable garden. It makes me a little sad, but nothing is sadder than riding by it every day seeing the chaotic tangle it has become. My dad has dug up a large space to plant a garden this year, so I will probably be helping out with that a bit. He even has some potatoes coming up already!

He will surely need a fence or something because you can see the deer tracks running through it already.

There’s also raccoon tracks. That is a big raccoon!

I’m going to try to do some raised garden beads & fill in with veggies in my flower beds around the house. This will be easier for me to manage with my schedule. I’ve been checking out some raised garden bed kits online & I really like this one from Wayfair.

They even have these panels called a critter guard.

As neat as these are, they are a little pricey for me. I found all these neat DIY raised garden beds & think a mix of them will be more my speed.

Since most things can’t be planted outside until next month, I have time to get some things cleaned up & ready. I like to look at the Old Farmer’s Almanac website to see the planting calendar for my area. They also have an online Garden Planner you can sign up for. I tried that out, but I really like using my graph paper!

I like to plant a variety of things, especially tomatoes! This heirloom tomato seed pack is interesting & has a good variety.

There’s even one that has a heirloom vegetable garden seed collection, so a little of everything!

I really need to check out my seed boxes before buying new ones. They are always so tempting with the veggies pictures on the front! I definitely need a new hose & sprayer. I found these two on Greenbest – the luminous garden water hose or stainless steel garden hose. Both have features that seem like they would hold up in the heat & humidity. They also both come with a sprayer!



This ISWEES 7 piece garden tools set also caught my eye…

The removable stool is really neat! Anyway, I’ll be working on cleaning things up & sketching out some plans this weekend. Y’all can look forward to the monthly gardening post coming back next month! Have a great weekend1


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